Friday, March 12, 2010

Oxford - Farm country

We are in Oxford, about an hour out of Christchurch. We are staying with a family (Jeff, Rose, and their daughter Hazel) that is in post-sheep farm transition. They have some odd jobs for us to do in exchange for room and food. AMAZING NZ food, and tea times that happen about 5 times a day! :D They get fresh milk every couple days and consider that 'trim milk' to be 'dieter's milk'. 
We went on a hike up Mt. Oxford, it was 4 hours up and 2 hours down. I had blisters and very sore legs the next day, but we found lots of fresh wild blackberries up there in the foot hills. 
We watered native NZ plants that Jeff and Rose have planted up by their dam, also we have helped fishing (Joe) and walking the dogs (Jak), and today we will be helping to capture some wild chooks (chickens) that have been laying eggs in the utility shed and then the eggs rot and smell horrid when the rats get to them. :o
We will be leaving on Monday for the West Coast, a place called Punakaiki (said: Poo Na Kyi Ke)


  1. how did you end up getting a place with them? was it something that was planned or did you go house to house asking to lodge?

  2. Are we going to see some photos of the view from Mt. Oxford? My, lots of English names!!!

  3. we planned it ahead of time mitch. haha. just for a week, we helped out on their farm.

    hmmm....yes probably photos from oxford, but maybe not till later. :D
