Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wander around, and go to Chiang Mai

this I believe is the best photograph I have taken during my time in Bangkok. It is of the Victory Monument, with storm clouds behind it.
Graffiti near the sky train.
  Eating a steamed pork bun for breaky.
Playing with clay.
during the several hours that I thought my credit card info had been stolen and was  being used, I wrote this in clay, and then found out that my brother had been using a card that was connected to my account.
Me and Jane at the Siam Classic Guesthouse, where I did not stay but I went for internet several times, and then the night that I came in to check emails and found out that Joe had been using my card, they invited me over for dinner at the guesthouse cuz it was very quiet that day.
Me and Nemo, the other person working at the guesthouse. He is a Buddhist, Jane is a Muslim. So there were the 3 of us sitting around eating dinner together. Very interesting.
Waiting at the train station, for a whole afternoon.
The old ladies who were riding across from me, they gave me peanuts and were very sweet even though we couldn't understand each other at all.
Me at Starbucks after getting to Chiang Mai, the tuk-tuk ride costed less then my cup of spearmint tea. ha!


  1. Hi Jak,
    Yeah, for sure that is a great photo Hannah, I thought it was computer generated ;) The obelisk looks superimposed, looks cool.
    How you doing?
    Simon & Jac

  2. Great pictures! This is so exciting to look through! How long are you guys in Thailand?
